Blessed Thistle

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Blessed Thistle

— Can be combined with Columbine, Cornflower, Dragonthorn, Emetic Russula, Mountain Flower, Namira’s Rot, Nirnroot, Stinkhorn, and Violet Coprinus.

— Can restore stamina, increase weapon power, increase speed, and ravage health.

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Columbine
Blessed Thistle + Columbine =
Restore Stamina

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Corn Flower
Blessed Thistle + Cornflower =
Ravage Health

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Dragonthorn
Blessed Thistle + Dragonthorn =
Restore Stamina
Increase Weapon Power

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Mountain Flower
Blessed Thistle + Mountain Flower =
Restoring Stamina

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Namira's Rot
Blessed Thistle + Namira’s Rot =
Increase Speed

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Nirnroot
Blessed Thistle + Nirnroot =
Ravage Health

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Violet Coprinus
Blessed Thistle +
Violet Coprinus =
Ravage Health

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Emetic Russula Placeholder
Blessed Thistle +
Emetic Russula =
Ravage Health

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Stinkhorn Placeholder
Blessed Thistle +
Stinkhorn =
Ravage Health

About the real Blessed Thistle

Latin Name: Centaurea Benedicta

Exploring the Elder Scrolls Online - Centaurea Benedicta or Blessed Thistle
1897 drawing of Blessed Thistle

According to the National Institute of Health, “blessed thistle was commonly used during the Middle Ages to treat the bubonic plague and as a tonic for monks.”

The tops, leaves, and upper stems are used to make a medicinal tea or the plant is used to make a poultice which is applied to the skin to treat minor injuries.